♊️🌝‼️QUANTUM LEAP🧬⚡️🌟💥

‼️‼️‼️🌟THIS⚡️IS🧬 IT🌟‼️‼️‼️

The final lunation with the lunar nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius for a decade… and it is coming on as Pegasus kicking the rock to create the sacred spring! Mars in Sagittarius on the South Node until December 24, when the final Saturn square Uranus hits, is triggering our regard (regarder=to look at) for ♐️TRUTH & ♒️FREEDOM. The free will is the choice to place our attention on these issues during this crucial crossing point to 2022 means a conscious will to overcome fear and ignorance that authority uses as a weapon of power and control.

The Sabian symbol for the 28º Gemini/Sagittarius opposition has to do with facing difficulty, (28º Gemini is “an old man facing bankruptcy”). It is like following a stream and coming to a collapsed bridge, when you feel you have just had enough, and cannot fathom how to reach the other side. Yet, you resolve to continue following the stream…releasing your anxiety to embrace a glimmer of light…knowing that the crossing will appear.

The shift from fear to Self-empowerment is through PROACTIVITY.



The red slashes looking like blood is the mutable cross triggering mutable stress under the Gemini Full Moon. Yet, the final surrender has arrived with Neptune descending.

The red slashes right across the New York horoscope look like blood. This is the bleeding from the public wound…the psychosis that is the fall out from the single narrative surrounding Covid-19 controlled by the stakeholders.

No worries, my dear readers! If you are here, you are participating in this quantum 360-perspective: everything in the universe is interconnected. The revolution of the heavens is the evolution of human consciousness on earth. And so, we have Plato’s holistic cosmology returning by way of the Greek alphabet naming new variants of a virus: Delta & Omicron. To understand such connections is to experience awe rather than fear.

This chart communicates with an urgency the power of a new value prophesied by Nietzsche for the Aquarian Age. A dramatic dynamic farewell to Jupiter in Aquarius with the Moon opposing Regulus, the brightest star in the zodiac known as the King. And so, the rulers must fall…to make way for a new era.

The new era of galactic consciousness was ushered in two weeks ago under the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE by a historic conference sponsored by the Lazlo Institute of New Paradigm Research.


A powerful vision manifested under a total eclipse has lasting power. My mind/body/spirit was triggered into a galactic superconsciousness. Alexander Lazlo calls this shift of reference point “anthropomorphizing the will of the cosmos.”

My own super quest for Self-transcendence through attention to an ever-expanding consciousness becomes conscious of itself as a reflection of galactic design. This is how the co-creation with the universe becomes an expanding partnership with the cosmos sourced in the absolute value of consciousness itself:

What one wants, the universe, is to know it exists. Knowing itself is becoming conscious. Non-existence, potential consciousness, unconsciousness come into existence by being conscious of itself…comes into evolution through conscious entities — human bodies and a conscience — the inner experience that is an evolving consciousness in continuing evolution.

Federico Faggin (The Nature of Consciousness)

This amazing conference demonstrated the phenomenology of its premise: humans create the universe from within. It served as a portal into Galactic Being for the participants ready for this supercharged vibration.

My new mission for 2022 is dissemination of the quantum convergence of art/science/ philosophy with my 3 decades of quantum literary experiments and 2 decades of QUANTUM CRITICISM and QUANTUM CURATION.


The Art of the Quantum Narrative is the marriage of text & image.

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