And this week, of all the choices of films to watch on MUBI, I choose a French film about the 1968 uprisings, Alain Tanner’s debut, Charles: Dead or Alive about a bourgeoise businessman escaping from the confines of his Saturnian existence running the family business ness after he begins to reflect on his life during a television interview and then escapes into the home of a radical couple, soaking up their antiestablishment values.

1968 was the Saturn opposition to Uranus/Pluto, the cultural upheaval of the 1960s free love, which totally ignored the shadow, manifesting as «radical chic».

The first square had a nearly exact Moon Uranus conjunction in a wide conjunction to Lilith. This is about the dramatic shift in values to accommodate the suppressed rage of those outside the hierarchical patriarchal system.

In the quest for balance of heaven/earth reflected as the divine marriage of masculine/féminine, Uranus square Saturn is about à forced acknowledgment of what has been repressed for so long — the indigenous connection to the land and the sky through the human body.

Thé second Saturn square Uranus hit with Mars approaching the Moon in Leo opposite rétrograde Saturn. This T-Square configuration reveals the increased tension in the collective as deeply ingrained notions of individualism resist the ego death required for transformation into the new God image of the Hieros Gamos. Lilith is now in Gemini, conjunct retrograde Mercury and the North Node. Humanity is now physically split into the binary: vaccinated vs. non-vaccinated.
The final degree of the Leo Moon conjunct Regulus indicates the lion’s strength for those who went through the process of breakdown (Uranus) and reconstruction (Saturn exalted in Aquarius). Mars is conjunct the south node in Sagittarius, signaling the Truth arising at the close of the 18 month cycle consumed with censorship, MSM gaslighting and the collective struggle with the truth filtered into the collective. We have lost trust in government officials and celebrities alike. Who can we trust? Mercury in Capricorn is conjunct Juno, Pluto and Venus retrograde; we trust our bodies.

The sign ruling the oncoming age, Aquarius, has two rulers: Saturn and Uranus. Once humanity is conscious of 2021 year of change finishing the breakdown of the patriarchal hierarchy ruled by the traditional Saturn of limitations, pressure and cause and effect, a new conception of the ringed planet arises. This is Saturn as containment, embodiment, knowing personal limitations and universal law, as opposed to the outer restrictions of human laws. This condition is commonly referred to as red-pilling, or the Matrix.

Becoming liberated from outer restraints happens when one learns to appreciate living within one’s personal limitations. Ultimately, this means reaching a state of non-projection: your environment is at peace as a reflection of your own peace.

Yes, these three charts reveal the unfolding of the Aquarian archetype of the Hieros Gamos foreseen by Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung. It happens in the sky through these three exact contacts between the Aquarius two rulers.

We can appreciate this double Aquarian rulership, separate but equal, sky a d earth, as the hieros gamos. Thé reconstruction of Saturn is the feminine, the containment of the wisdom of the cycles, the ancient Saturn symbol of the sickle cutting away that which no longer serves our journey.

Coming into a contentment with this process of letting go to create an emptiness for the New, this is the other half of the Aquarian rulership — Uranus as spirit. What is complicated about the 2021 Saturn square Uranus is the fact that Uranus is a male energy (the Greek Oranus) in a feminine sign, Taurus.

Venus rules both Taurus and Libra, the signs of love. Taurus is the tactile, earthy expression of love while Libra, an air sign, is the intellectual expression of love as balance.

Uranus in Taurus, which conjoined the Moon and Lilith in its first square to Saturn, was about a radical shift in value. In January 2021, this radical change was manifested in the new US President and the first female Vice President, a woman of color.

There has been a radical shift away from the hierarchy of the white male dominating politics and the media. The second square revealed a backlash in the Middle East, with conservative leaders in Iran and Israel.

Will the third and final square bring the expected transformation…the prolonged confrontation with the Shadow and the human body via Covid 19 and it’s manufactured RNA « antidote ». For those who took the inner journey to embrace the shadow, the result is anew centering and balance from within reflecting the icon of the Aquarian Age. Freed from millennia of external repression, we are finally understanding what it means to be human.

The final square between the two rulers of Aquarius has an incredible powerful Boomerang. It is so strong because of the 29 degree Leo Moon at the apex. This is the degree of Regulus, the strongest fixed sign in the Zodiac

Having the Moon so elevated and opposing Jupiter in Aquarius Uranus square Saturn reveals a fundamental shift in leadership , a global surge of artists and thinkers guided by the 21st century icon,

This new movement brings forth the personal myth (Jupiter in the 4H) of the New Individual (Saturn on IC) arising through a radical revisioning (Mars in Sagittarius on the South Node) value of equality in accordance with individual talent. The power of individual responsibility (Saturn in Aquarius ruling Sun/Juno/Mercury/Pluto/Venus in Capricorn) arising through communication — the truth of individual integrity arising as the new value against the madness of the mob.

This new holism flattens the hierarchy into a collective in which individual talent contributes to the whole. The understanding that integrity comes from integral, the interconnection of opposites within the human and the human connection to the cosmos.

So what do we end up with?

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