The Sabian Symbol for 13 Gemini is the capstone of a new Venus cycle: A conversation by telepathy. Two people living apart in telepathic communication.

The Venus Sun Interior Conjunction marks the moment of transition between the end of the previous Venus cycle (which began with the October 3, 2018 interior conjunction) and the next, consolidated under the horoscope for your location today. How does your own horoscope intersect with it? How your personal rhythm synergies with the Earth, Sun and Venus in alignments reveal the passage ahead.

Today we arrive at the Gemini interior conjunction preparing us for the next cycle. As we witnessed from a tumultuous week, the collective is yearning to be heard regarding the inequalities existing in the world controlled by a small elite..

There are plenty of dangers outside the home. First there was the danger of catching Coronavirus, then came the danger triggered by the protests. In my psyche I felt the revisiting of the 1992 Rodney King riots in LA. under Saturn square Pluto. I was in a shopping mall with my sister and the wave of fear triggered the metal protection slides closing as a chain reaction.

The Venus orbit is 255 days. The last Venus Sun interior conjunction was 255 days ago — October 26, 2018, which you can see in the above chart. The position of 3 Scorpio was about the yearning for the Hieros Gamos, real change through inner transformation. A few months after the conjunction, I discovered the Twin Flame phenomenon and started replying to questions on Quora. I am now at 87.1 K views!

When Venus rises on June 10 in the sign of the Twins, we will have learned about maintaining intimacy in separation. The key to success is clearly the integration of the Shadow. While the twin swan symbol is the mirror opposites, the black and white swans are about integration through the absorption of the dark mirror. The horoscope of the Gemini interior conjunction tells us a great deal about the degree of success we had in holding the energy of our desire in the previous cycle.

The Moon in Scorpio makes inconjuncts the Gemini conjunction in the ninth house. Inconjuncts are 150 degree aspects created between two signs that have nothing to do with one another. They aren’t complementary opposites and therefore require constant adjustment. As an alchemical position requiring a good deal of inner work for perfection; a one step ahead, two steps back position. Alchemical Absorption is the key to the Self-mastery of 22. Mars is closely squaring the interior conjunction and requires a path surrender to reach the goal of Union. The struggle actually makes it easier to reach the goal of external Union, which seems impossible by engaging in the outward struggle indicated by the Moon opposing Uranus, though the intensity is fading, the feeling of (r)ejection lingers on. Gemini is about talking, the Mars in Pisces approaching the conjunction with Neptune is about self-sabotage. This results in the proverbial putting the foot in the mouth. that term must have been invented under a Mars in Pisces squaring a Gemini Lunation.

Communication is supreme right now with the North Node in Gemini. Mercury in Cancer trines Mars makes us more intuitive, but also more lax in our communication. There is a warning stamped across the chart: It is one thing to be connected to your feelings, and another to tell the world about it! We speak emotionally (Mercury sextile Uranus) and regret it afterwards (Uranus Square Saturn).

The best thing to do is take in information, process, and formulate before adding to the social media conversation.

In personal relationships, which are mostly online in one form or another these days, it is best not initiate a confrontation, unless you want the feelings pried open to stick around for a long time. What comes up in relationships under this lunar eclipse on Friday lingers at least until the Lunar Eclipse on December 14 @ 22 Sagittarius, the degree that Venus stationed retrograde in the opposite sign Gemini. This also means the new projects embarked on now come to a fruition in December. So stay focused!

Simple observation will give you the information (Gemini) to philosophize (Sagittarius) about a situation. Neptune enters the dynamic through your imagination and dreams.

Last night, I had a dream with my Twin Flame. I was trying to talk to him on an old rotary phone and realized the chord was twisted. He was on his knees before a pile of such phones and took the receiver out of hands. The dream indicated that this old means of communicating aren’t only unnecessary but dangerous. Telepathy will replace any need we have for outward sounds of reassurance regarding relationships. This is where the Twin Flame experience is leading humanity and telepathy will sweep the globe with the 2026 Neptune Saturn conjunction at Zero Aquarius.

This chart that launches a new Venus cycle is revealing the absolute necessity of STILLNESS, the inner experience and grunt work of processing what we encounter there.


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